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Your Home, Your Community, Your Future


Wheatley Group
Our five-year strategy

Executive Summary

Wheatley in 2020 – our track record of excellence
Investing In Our Futures, Wheatley Group’s first five year strategy, delivered outstanding customer satisfaction and raised the bar in Scotland and beyond for performance results and business efficiency in housing, care and property management. We have succeeded in our challenging goal of keeping rents affordable whilst delivering unparalleled growth and investment, maintaining investor confidence and bringing access to affordable borrowing for asset growth and service improvements.

We are rightly proud of our journey to excellence and the huge impact this has had on our customers’ lives right across the Group. Our phenomenal success is externally recognised through the many national and international awards and accreditations Wheatley and its partner organisations continue to win each year, from bodies ranging from the European Foundation for Quality Management to Investors in People and the UK Government Cabinet Office, which oversees Customer Service Excellence.

Significant investment in technology and digital innovation over the last five years has created cutting-edge platforms for customers to transact and engage with us. This, along with the wide array of wraparound services we provide and the unwavering commitment of our staff through our Think Yes! culture meant that we were able to rapidly respond to the needs of our customers and communities during the Covid-19 pandemic.

As we move into our next strategy, we are committed to ensuring our customers and communities fully recover from the impact this pandemic has brought.

Man in Click and Connect CentreChildren on bikesDad and daughterstaff member helping customer

Wheatley in 2026
We want our customers to reach their potential for a brighter future for themselves and their families. We recognise the challenges our customers are facing in this post-Covid cost-of-living crisis, and we believe we are ideally placed, working alongside our partners, to support them and play a strong role in a fair and socially just economic recovery.

Our strategy will deliver an unprecedented shift in the balance of power and control towards our customers, empowering them to make their own choices about the services they want, ensuring they are properly equipped to do things for themselves and involving them in the design of products and services from start to finish.

We will continue to make a significant social impact by investing in our communities, supporting the lifelong health and wellbeing of our customers, creating job and apprenticeship opportunities and reducing the inequalities experienced by many of those living in our communities. We will deliver an ambitious Greener Homes, Greener Lives Strategic Sustainability Framework to accelerate our transition to carbon neutral, enhance our role in combatting the effects of deprivation and strengthen our role in tackling homelessness across Scotland.

Making Homes and Lives Better

Our Purpose
Making Homes and Lives Better

Our Vision
Customers have increased control over their services, their communities and their lives, with new opportunities for building skills and resilience.

We will work ethically and sustainably, ensuring our homes ​are affordable for our customers, digitally enabled and low or net-zero carbon. We will share our expertise and​ work with others to improve the fabric of our customers’ lives while​creating great communities.​

Our Values
Excellence – we raise the bar in everything we do
Community – people direct what we do and together, we build strong communities
Ambition – we push the boundaries in new ways, so everyone can fulfil their potential
Trust – we inspire customers and staff to shape the future.

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Click below to read our five Strategic Themes


Strategic Theme 1

Delivering Exceptional Customer Experience


Strategic Theme 2

Making the most of our Homes and Assets


Strategic Theme 3

Changing Lives and Communities


Strategic Theme 4

Developing our Shared Capability


Strategic Theme 5

Enabling our Ambitions xx